Wednesday, February 9, 2011

3 Months Ago...

The love of a young girl gave Josh and I the best gift ever!

(so in this picture it looks like Alex has facial hair or a dirty face-- he was sucking on his paci so hard it left a mark. He only spit it out long enough to give me a little smile)

We Love You Little Dude!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Going Private....

There are a few reasons I want to set my blog to private. A few posts ago, a complete stranger left me a comment. I don't mind people/strangers looking at my blog, but I really don't want strangers leaving comments. Also, since we have adopted Alex, I feel we need to protect our family a little better. Not that I intend of having issues with any of his birth parents, I just want to be cautious. So, if you would like access to our blog, please leave me your email address by either leaving a comment, email or facebook.

P.S. I will only add you if I know who you are :)