Friday, March 25, 2011

Just The Same

This poem was in this month's Ensign after the wonderful article called Faith and Infertility

Just The Same by Diana Lynn Lacey

Sometimes -

God sends rain

Straight from the sky

To nourish the young flower

and it grows.

Sometimes -

God sends rain from the sky

To the mountaintops,

Then over hills and through valleys

Until it reaches the flower

and it grows, just the same.

Sometimes -

God sends a child

Straight from His realm

Into a mother's arms

and love grows.

Sometimes -

God sends a child

From heaven to another's arms,

Then over hills and through valleys

Until he reaches the arms of his mother

and love grows, just the same.

Even though I didn't physically give birth to Alex, my love for him is Just The Same. I Love You, my sweet boy!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Chunky Monkey

Just a few pictures of my Chunky Monkey. When he went for his 4 month check up, he weighed 12 pounds 10 ounces and is 22 inches tall. We have a short and chubby little guy on our hands.